scared him to death|scare him to death in English

frightened him very much

Use "scared him to death|scare him to death" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scared him to death|scare him to death" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scared him to death|scare him to death", or refer to the context using the word "scared him to death|scare him to death" in the English Dictionary.

1. He's scared to death.

2. They amend him to death.

3. You scared me to death.

4. 11 Spiders frighten him to death.

5. The horse trampled him to death.

6. This implied condemning him to death.

7. Are we gonna hang him, or beat him to death?

8. And I was scared to death.

9. Her death was a shock to him.

10. She thinks she rode him to death.

11. 10 This implied condemning him to death.

12. His bungalow had scared her to death.

13. Fatally offended, the jury condemned him to death.

14. The court sentenced him to death by electrocution.

15. We can't just let him bleed to death.

16. They clubbed him to death with their rifles.

17. Soon afterwards death overtook him.

18. Your death will break him...

19. Then she'd jump out and scare them to death!

20. They found him half naked and bleeding to death.

21. Centipede bite yesterday was a dream, scared to death!

22. Got a death certificate for him.

23. Death released him from his suffering.

24. Shortly before Jesus’ death, armed men came to arrest him.

25. The reigning king, Saul, was determined to put him to death.